Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Freedom of Me (Identity-Part 3)

Who am I? As I was filling out my personal info on my blogger site it asked me to describe myself. I quickly went to what I do, where I live, and who I am connected to. Pity me if one of those things change. I later asked my young adult D-group do identify themselves without using position or action…they couldn’t do it. I guess a better question would be: what are the eternal parts of me? My job isn’t, or my position, or even my family dynamic. My looks, back account, or even my sinful nature aren’t eternal. What is left and how do I measure it?

I would love to think that my hopes, dreams, aspirations are all eternal things, but it is often difficult for me to separate these from my aforementioned damned companion. (My sin nature, not my family). I have to start with the concept of to what end when applied to my hopes, dreams, etc. The surprising thing is that the simple enjoyment of those things is not wrong. I believed for years that it was God’s goal to take all things from me. I would lay all of things down at His feet. Martyrdom. Oh, how sweet. Sitting in a class with Doug Marks helped me see things more freely. Basically I can sum it up into the concept of what God created matters! God made me to love the things that I love and desire the things that ultimately lead me to Him. Sacrifice comes more with the denying of self and the embracing of the eternal, which is at its very essence the very thing we are wrestling with.

Erase the temporal and hold on to the eternal parts of you. They are bigger than your career. In fact, bring them into your career. I had to learn to stop guilting myself into misery. Bring them everywhere and begin to enjoy your life and your identity as Christ enjoys you…His unique creation.

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